Anser Medical Ltd is an SME with a focus on the supply of medical devices to the UK human and animal healthcare sectors. As a distributor for international manufacturers of devices we essentially import certified devices, store them at our temperature-controlled facility and ship to orders from our UK customer base.
Although this is essentially a simple business model, it is made more complex by a constantly evolving regulatory environment and customer demand. To help navigate through these challenges we have implemented a total quality management system framed by the ISO9001:2015 Standard and annually audited by BSI.
As a commercial business one of our core objectives is to make profit. However, we understand that our company is part of a larger community of people, values, other organisations and the natural world and as such we have a social responsibility to give back to the world just as it gives to us, so we are committed to meeting the highest standard of ethics and professionalism. To view our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy click here.
Protecting People in our Global Community
We believe mutual respect is one of our key success factors at Anser Medical, and we are committed to providing a workplace that embraces diversity, inclusion and equal employment opportunity that is free from harassment and discrimination; for a copy of our Equal Opportunity Policy click here. Our external suppliers are required to be compliant with this policy as part of doing business with us.
It is our belief that all organisations should respect, promote and realise the core labour standards as laid out in the United Nations Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; to view our International External Provider Labour Standards Policy click here.
Our Modern Slavery Statement outlines the approach we’ve taken, and continue to take, to make sure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain. We have zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery be it servitude, human trafficking or forced labour. To view a copy of our Modern Slavery Statement, click here.
We also believe our employees have a fundamental right to a safe and healthy work environment which is good for both physical and mental health. For more details of our Health and Safety Policy Statement click here.
As our revenues grows this will allow our company to initiate and support community investment and educational programs. This will take the form of providing support to non-profit organisations or movements to promote cultural and economic development of global and local communities.
Protecting the Environment
Although as an SME we have modest resources and influence over our External Suppliers, this does not constrain our ambition as an organisation with corporate social responsibility to achieve net zero carbon footprint as soon as possible and partner with the NHS in helping it reach net zero as per the NHS Net Zero Report.
The organisation’s current environmental policy is driven by and through our ISO9001:2015 Quality Management System. This includes monitoring the firm’s annual carbon footprint and with the help of an external provider (Carbon Footprint Ltd) complete a self-certifying calculation to arrive at an annual value which is then offset through a verified carbon reduction project. As we are now required to publish an annual Carbon Reduction Plan, to see the latest click here, we collect expanded data around Scope 1, 2 and 3.
We have almosted completed the refurbishing a larger facility at our National Distribution Center which will be 5 times the size of the current available temperature-controlled storage space in preparation for growth.
This new storage space comprises a 1930’s wooden military building which is being restored and refitted in the most suitable environmentally sustainable way. As resources allow, we are looking to generate the required energy to run the facility through a range of renewable sources such as wind, solar and ground heat source.
It is the goal of this refit project to have a distribution centre which has a zero-carbon footprint. All the energy required to run and maintain the building will be locally sourced and eventually any vehicles required to transport employees or stock will be recharged from locally produced electricity.
To achieve a zero-carbon distribution centre, Anser Medical’s revenue will need to grow significantly, and we looking to secure more customers to generate more profit to achieve the required growth to continue with the significate capital investment needed to become a zero-carbon distributor.